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Mel’s Raspberry & White Chocolate Muffins

Secret Society Blog

Mel’s Raspberry & White Chocolate Muffins

Alison Owens


My Mum requests these for her birthday every summer –
they are her absolute favourite! The sweet white chocolate against the tart raspberries is delicious combination.

3½oz butter or margarine
8oz caster sugar
1tsp vanilla essence
2 large eggs
150ml (small pot) whole milk natural yogurt
5tbsp milk
9½ oz plain flower
1tsp bicarbonate of soda
200g white chocolate, chopped into chunks
1 punnet of raspberries
Makes about 14

1. Beat the butter or margarine, sugar and vanilla essence until light and fluffy.
2. Beat in the eggs, yogurt and milk until combined.
3. Stir in the flour and bicarbonate of soda until just combined (do not overwork the batter at this stage).
4. Gently stir in the chocolate and raspberries.
5. Spoon into muffin cases (about two thirds full) and bake at 170c fan/gas mark 5 for 25 minutes.

Download Mel's Muffin Recipe here