Gloria's Glorious Garden – July
Alison Owens
Check any new roses, don't forget to water and we should all be checking for windrock. We have been having serious winds of late, which can damage roots if not planted firmly and also dry out plants quickly. Feed established roses after their first flush and as always never, ever put off dead heading as few removed every day will help towards a longer flowering season .
Our beautiful Rambling Rector Rose which grows right outside our workshop at Dandelion Designs headquarters.
Don't forget to check tomatoes daily for all the new shoots that need pinching out and the new growth that needs tying in or twisting around your support.
Download Gloria's July tips on Roses and Tomatoes here
Well, the weather is hotting up and so will the greenhouse. Open and ventilate as early as possible. Water regularly and try to do at the same time every day, so routine is established, this helps with fruit formation. Wetting the floor morning and afternoon will help cool temperatures a bit, this helps fruit form as well as assisting in keeping red spider mite away. Good ventilation gives a healthy atmosphere and prevents fungus etc. You can also shade your greenhouse, to prevent temperature s swings. I tend to have a green lightweight mesh above hung like a hammock.
Keep a watch for aphid infestation we find yellow sticky cards work well but also the utilisation of companion planting helps amazingly. French marigold is a favourite, they are very attractive to whitefly so pop them between the plants especially tomatoes and aubergines. There are several different colours of marigold on the market now, so if you are seriously adverse to the bright orange there are reds and other subtle colours available.
Mandy's glorious greenhouse. It's not very big but shes love it!