My Mum's Hexagon Heritage
Alison Owens
This is my mums quilt with a stripy sheet for the backing. Can’t wait to see it quilted.
After a long time out of fashion hexagons are once again popular. I made an attempt at sewing them back in the 70s but never finished my quilt, it’s too slow and time consuming for me! My Mum, however, made a huge hexagon bedspread in the 50s that I’ve inherited but unfortunately some of the hexies have rotted away. Sadly, it’s too big for me to repair, it has no backing and it is just folded over the back of a chair in my bedroom but even though it is unusable the quilt is a lovely link to my mum.
Andee’s Mum’s Quilt is quilted with needles and threads.
Andee, who works at Dandelion Designs HQ, had the same problem with her mums quilt. Hers was in a better state of repair but she has to alter her mums original layout to a more practical size and then had it long arm quilted with a great pattern of needle and threads. This made the quilt useable, the quilting has stabilised the damaged fabrics and Andee can not only admire but enjoy her Mum’s handiwork . I am inspired and I will now do the same with my Mum’s quilt, I will be sure to show show you the result in the future.
So, here is my tip for any old or heritage quilt you have – don’t store them away in drawers and cupboard waiting for the day when you think you’ll have time to repair or restore family heirlooms, get them out, adapt them if you have to, get them quilted, use, love and admire – after all that is what they were made for!
Download Mandy’s Hexagon Heritage Quilt blog here