Gloria's Glorious Garden – October
Alison Owens
October ooh, such a busy month – think you can slow down but there is so much to do to prepare for winter…. Here is you list of things to do:
Veg Patch
Frost can damage young tender vegetables so use a cloche for your winter lettuce.
Brassicas might need fence and staking.
I love a row of kale, their stakes look fabulous.
Pick remaining runners and courgettes.
Squash and marrows need their skins off in the sun, they can then can be stored in dry cool place.
You can still plant garlic, it will need free drainage and warm soil.
For early broad beans sow in a cold frames.
I have already take Gloria’s advice and cleaned up the greenhouse and tidied my geraniums, I tend to loose interest over the winter months in my greenhouse but fingers crossed more of my plants will now survive !
The Greenhouse.
Clear and clean all debris out especially if you want to store your tender or half hardy perennials.
Ensure no snails and slugs have come in for a warm winter!!
Clean the glass inside and out for maximum light needed in the winter, you might want to insulate or use a heater for frost protection.
The Flower Garden
My Cobeus has responded to a feed and has these lovely blooms all over the stairs to my workshop . Frost will get it soon but I intend to protect the roots with bubble wrap and hopefully it will survive another year
Plant out hardy annuals and mulch dahlias or bring in to dry over winter.
Plant new soft fruit and bulbs in winter containersBe brave! Sow half hardy annuals like Cobaea , Sarah Ravens favourites, Antirrhinums, Cerinthe, Cornflowers etc...
Bring in the pots of Chrysanthemums and Agapanthus into the greenhouse
For early sweet peas sow in a cold frames.
Wow, that’s a lot to do, but don't forget to enjoy the autumn colours and fragrances in the garden while you work.