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Gloria's Glorious Garden – January

Secret Society Blog

Gloria's Glorious Garden – January

Alison Owens

Mandy’s indoor narcissus are looking and smelling amazing! They bring of spring to a dull January day.

Mandy’s indoor narcissus are looking and smelling amazing! They bring of spring to a dull January day.

We have had a mild winter so far but don’t get caught out because January can turn harsh.

Warm jobs for inside can include:

  • Ordering seeds and sorting out old seeds

  • Clean trays and pots and watch out for slugs and snails

  • Keep your greenhouse glass clean for maximum light and water plants sparingly.

Also, you can start sowing seeds but be mindful, if it gets colder you may need extra protection for your little seedlings. Sometimes it is prudent to wait as plants grow when it's warm like now but a cold spell can damage so much and you could be back to nothing.

If you can’t wait you can start to sow onions, leeks, brassica, broad beans, early cabbage, radishes, shallots, spinach and turnips. Also flower seeds including cobaea scandens and sweet peas

For the brave and hardy outside, you can start to prune established pear, apple, grapes and currants.

Whilst you are working look out for flowers in your garden: - snowdrops, hellebores, aconites, snow berries etc as you walk around they can give you gorgeous surprises.

All-indoor bulbs are should be looking great and worth the effort of bring them on in warmth and light. Enjoy the fruits of your labour!

Download Gloria’s January Tips here

Sarah Raven seeds and plants are Mandy’s favourites!

Sarah Raven seeds and plants are Mandy’s favourites!

And a notes from Mandy
“Gloria has a huge garden and l have a small one so we often share the buying of seeds and plants. l love Sarah Ravens seed catalogue, her colour combinations are so amazing, I have often followed her tub recipes and the results are wonderful. If you can, get to her open days at Perch Mill the are inspirational.”