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37 Summerheath Rd
Hailsham, BN27 3DS


Filtering by: Workshop

Japanese Omiyage (Small Gifts) Workshop
to Jun 17

Japanese Omiyage (Small Gifts) Workshop

A day dedicated to this Japanese tradition of making small gifts. Choices will consist of little coin purses, wrapping cloths, baskets, key fob charms and lots more.All the materials, bit and bobs you need to make the projects are included in the price along with our legendary homemade lunch and refreshments.

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Japanese Boro Workshop
to Apr 29

Japanese Boro Workshop

Boro is a Japanese word for stitched rags.  In the North Islands of Japan, these patched textiles became national treasures, made from blue indigo, old kimonos and hemp rags and then stitched together. All the materials, bit and bobs you need to make the projects are included in the price along with our legendary homemade lunch and refreshments.

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Button Garland Christmas Full Day Workshop
to Nov 6

Button Garland Christmas Full Day Workshop

Brand New Workshop! November 5th 2017. Featherbed Barn, Cowbeech, East Sussex. All the materials, bit and bobs you need to make the Button Garland are included in the price along with our legendary homemade lunch, refreshments throughout the day and hands on instructions from me. We always like to throw in some little extras in too!

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Christmas in July!
to Jul 9

Christmas in July!

Are you excited about Christmas already? Can you hardly wait to start stitching new and wonderful things to brighten up your festive home or give away as a special present? Well, I know that I can't so I have organised two very special new workshops in July at the wonderful Featherbed Barn, Cowbeech, East Sussex on 8th and 9th July 2017 between 10.30am and 4.00pm

The projects you will be making will be extra special. They are so brand new and hot off the press I can only show you a small sample. All the projects will come from my BRAND NEW BOOK which will be published in July and if you attend the workshop you will be one of the first people ever to see the book and make anything from it. As you would expect the book contains exciting new projects which include redwork, hoopies, stockings, dolls, cushions and even mice and you will have a chance to make some or all of these magical new designs in the workshop.

Everything you need to make your projects is included in the price as well as our infamous homemade lunch and refreshments, hands on instruction from me and maybe a few little extras too. 

As with all our workshops we only teach small classes so numbers are strictly limited. Book right now to get your place on this exclusive workshop featuring projects from my new book by booking online or by calling us on 01323 845297. 

Mandy x

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Spoolie Doll Swag Workshop
10:30 AM10:30

Spoolie Doll Swag Workshop

Ever since we launched our first Spoolie Doll we have been overwhelmed by how much you love them and here is another twist on this popular theme. Hanging happily from the jaunty swag these dolls look like they are dancing – and we bet you won't be able to resist giving them a nudge every time you walk past them!

Whether you are making the swag as a gift or just for yourself you will love a day out with Mandy and the team at the Garland Workshop held in the beautiful surroundings of Featherbed Barn, Cowbeech, East Sussex on 27th November 2016 10.30am to 4.00pm. 

Everything you need to make the swag and the dolls will be included (although fabrics may differ from those in the photograph) as well as our infamous Christmas lunch and refreshments, hands on instruction from Mandy herself and maybe a few little festive extras too. What's not to love? 

We only teach small classes so numbers are strictly limited. Book right now to avoid disappointment by booking online or by calling us on 01323 845297. We expect this one to sell out fast!

Mandy and the Team x

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