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37 Summerheath Rd
Hailsham, BN27 3DS

Japanese Omiyage (Small Gifts) Workshop


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Japanese Omiyage (Small Gifts) Workshop

  • Featherbed Barn Cowbeech BN27 4JA East Sussex (map)
A tiny taster of some of the things you might be making on our Omiyage Workshop

A tiny taster of some of the things you might be making on our Omiyage Workshop

A day dedicated to this Japanese tradition of making small gifts. When in Japan we visited a small quilt group and we all exchanged small hand made gifts. These little treasures were so special that I am going to share some of these techniques with you so you to can make your own to keep or share as you wish.  Choices will consist of little coin purses, wrapping cloths, baskets, key fob charms and lots more.

This workshop will be held at Featherbed Barn, Cowbeech, East Sussex on 16th June between 10.30am and 4.00pm

As with all our workshops we only teach small classes so numbers are strictly limited. Book online or by calling us on 01323 845297. 

Mandy x

Earlier Event: April 28
Japanese Boro Workshop
Later Event: November 22
Knitting & Stitching Show Harrogate