Gloria's Glorious Garden – September
Alison Owens
Mandy is doing as she is told in her raised bed and has wall flowers , beetroot, winter lettuce and more runner beans on their way!
Keep clean to prevent diseases and cut out any dead leaves and debris, keep watering.
Be sure to shut windows at night.
It’s not too late to sow a few salad leaves in pots for harvesting later.
In the Garden
Keep dead heading but remember if you want some seeds for next year save some to harvest. Just wait for a dry day and collect in a paper bag and label.
Harvest your lavender and shape your bushes. Keep everything trimmed to the shape you want, do now before the winter .
Download Gloria’s Greenhouse and Garden Tips here
Keep harvesting and freeze if necessary, turn pumpkin and squash to ripen for winter. Keep your veg patch tidy.
Think about getting your access apples made into juice by finding local pressers which can then be frozen. A novel and interesting way to enjoy your bounty throughout the winter.
Make crabapple jelly with chilli, great as accompaniment for chicken.
Sow a green manure or mulch empty beds, this will not only benefit soil but keep weeds down.
Harvest and eat your broccoli, kale and chard.
Autumn flowers
Autumns beautiful bounty Figs
Cut constantly, give away and share, the flowers will be more prolific. Mulch deeply to keep moisture and warmth in especially if you are not going to lift them.
Download Gloria’s Vegetables and Flower Tips here