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Mel's Coconut Slice

Secret Society Blog 19-20

Mel's Coconut Slice

Alison Owens


I had a rather fancier recipe planned for this month, but since ingredients for baking are currently more precious than gold dust, I though something simpler would be more useful!  This recipe was given to me by an Australian friend of mine, it's great as it has very simple ingredients and takes no time at all to make. You could happily customise it with whatever you happen to have in the cupboard – left over Easter eggs, dried fruit or nuts. And if you have kids around it's super simple so they can help. Happy Baking!

  • 1 cup desiccated coconut

  • 1 cup self raising flour

  • ¾ cup caster sugar

  • 200 g bar of white chocolate, chopped

  • ¾ cup milk

  1. Stir all dry ingredients together in a bowl.

  2. Add milk and stir to mix completely.

  3. Spread into a lined and greased Swiss roll tin.

  4. Bake for 25-30 mins at 160c.

  5. Leave to cool in tin before cutting into slices.

Download Mel’s Coconut Slice Recipe here