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Secret Society Blog 19-20

Gloria's Glorious Garden – Roses

Alison Owens

June, the month of the Rose. Here are my hints and tips to get the very best out of yours this summer.

This beautiful, simple R Moyesii Geranium attracts bees all some long. Picture courtesy of David Austin Roses

This beautiful, simple R Moyesii Geranium attracts bees all some long. Picture courtesy of David Austin Roses

  • Hopefully your roses already have had a good mulch but if not, it’s not too late to do it now. We have been lucky enough to have some serious rainfall so mulching now, or even doing it again if you have already done it, will hold in the moisture and will be good news if we have a dry summer.

  • Continue to tie in the branches as any winds will play havoc and damage our precious blooms.

  • Rambling roses will be shooting out new shoots before they have flowered, cut these off, to make the plant stronger. There will be more later.

  • There have been bad aphid attacks but hopefully the rain will wash some of these off. Give them a helping hand by rubbing them off as well

  • Don’t forget to enjoy your roses, cut them, remove the leaves, pop the cut end in boiling water for a few seconds and enjoy in a vase or glass jar.

  • One of my favourite Roses is R Moyesii Geranium It is red with a single petal simple and beautiful and always covered with bees.

Download Gloria’s Roses Tip here
