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Mel's Ice Cream Cake

Secret Society 2021-22

Mel's Ice Cream Cake

mandy shaw

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Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

When the weather is hot and sticky, the last thing I want to do is stand over a hot cooker, so this is a great way to rustle up a lovely treat with no heat and minimal effort! This cakes makes a fun alternative to a birthday cake, with candles or sparklers on the top.

2 litre tub of vanilla ice cream
2 packs of Oreo biscuits

  • 75 g milk chocolate

  • 75g dark chocolate

  • 250 ml double cream

  • Golden syrup or honey to taste

  • More chocolate to decorate

  1. Leave the ice cream out to stand on the side until soft. Line a deep 8" tin with cling film; use two long pieces - lay them on top of the tin so they form a cross shape, push down into the tin, then leave the edges hanging over the sides.

  2. Bash the Oreos in their packets with a rolling pin to break them up – they are soft enough to crumble by hand if you prefer. 

  3. Tip the softened ice cream into a large bowl and stir the broken biscuits. Spoon the mixture into the tin, level the top, then cover with the overhanging cling film. Pop in the freezer until firm.

  4. For the sauce, slowly melt the chocolate and cream together, until combined. Add a spoonful or two of golden syrup or honey to sweeten to your taste. Pour into a serving jug, the sauce will thicken as it cools.

  5.  When ready to serve, invert the cake onto a serving plate and peel off the cling film. Decorate the top with chocolate curls (make these by running a potato peeler along the edge of a bar of chocolate). Reheat the sauce quickly in the microwave until it is just warm and has a thick pouring consistency.

Download Mel’s Ice Cream Cake recipe here