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Aunty Rachel's Sticky Toffee Cake

2020-2021 Secret Society Blog

Aunty Rachel's Sticky Toffee Cake

Alison Owens


Auntie Rachel’s Sticky Toffee Cake
This recipe is from Mel’s Auntie Rachel who is a fabulous baker and can make the most wonderful cakes.

• 230ml Medjool Dates

• 300ml Boiling water

• 175g Light Soft Brown Sugar

• 115g Butter • 1 tsp Vanilla extract

• 2 Eggs • 175g self raising flour

• 1 tsp Bicarb


• 9 Tblspn Double Cream

• 120g Light Soft brown Sugar

• 35g Butter

• 75g Icing Sugar

  1. Stone the dates and snip into pieces. Pop into a bowl and pour over the boiling water. Leave to soak for 30 mins.

  2. Beat butter, sugar and vanilla together, until soft. Beat in the eggs

  3. Mash the dates with a fork, fold into the butter and egg mixture.

  4. Fold in the flour and mix well. The mixture will be very runny.

  5. Bake in a lined 11 x 7 inch pan @160 C for 25 minutes, then cover and return to the oven for a further 10-15 minutes until cooked through.

  6. To make the icing gently warm cream, sugar and butter in a pan, without stirring until sugar has dissolved.

  7. Cool, then beat in icing sugar and spread over the cool cake.

Download Aunty Rachel’s Sticky Toffee Cake recipe here