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Mel's Easter Nests

2020-2021 Secret Society Blog

Mel's Easter Nests

Alison Owens


Easter tea wouldn't be complete in our house without a plate of these sweet treats! They are super easy to make, perfect for making with kids and they always bring a smile.

• Pack of four individual sized Mars Bars

• 3oz butter

• 3 cups Rice Krispies (or other puffed rice cereal)

• 36 mini eggs

  1. Roughly chop the Mars Bars and pop in a saucepan with the butter.

  2. Melt over a low heat, stirring to combine, until smooth. Gently fold in the Rice Krispies.

  3. Fill 12 paper cases and top with mini eggs (work quickly as the mixtures starts to harden quickly).

For a treat at another time of year, press the mixture firmly into a lined cake tin (I use a potato masher!), then spread over 200g melted milk chocolate. Leave to set before slicing into bars.

Download Mel’s Easter Nests recipe here