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Inspiration for Block Nine

2020-2021 Secret Society Blog

Inspiration for Block Nine

Alison Owens


That bitter cold weather, snow and wind from the East, took us all by surprise, I live in the south and haven’t experienced that type of cold weather for quite a few years, I can definitely say goodbye to my Dahlias!  Those waxwings from last month never did arrive but we have lots of little blue tits frolicking bu, sadly, not on the day I did the birdwatch for RSPB, I was most disappointed and only marked up a pair of collared doves.  But what has arrived in its droves and was most successful was that Vaccine. It’s an amazing feat and fingers crossed we will begin to see its benefits very soon.

My daffodils are struggling with the cold but they are there just waiting for warmer weather as are the pale lemon primroses flowers which drooped in the snow but with a little bit of sunshine they will lift there cheery faces. 

This month’s block can be joined to last months. 

  1. Cut one side of each block ONLY.   

  2. Cut the right-hand side of January’s block, ¼ inch past the embroidery. 

  3. Cut the left- hand side of the current block, ¼ past the embroidery and sew them both together with a ¼ seam allowance.

  4. Press the seam open 

  5. Cut out the little rabbit and daffodil from the iron on transfer sheet.

  6. Transfer them using the photograph as a guide.  Embroider the rabbit and daffodils a few more blobs of snow, some dots of foam from the sea, and a few blades of grass.

  7. Put this work to one side, in your bag ready for the next block.

Download Inspiration for Block Nine here