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Mel's Chocolate Orange Brownies

2020-2021 Secret Society Blog

Mel's Chocolate Orange Brownies

Alison Owens


Brownies are my son’s favourite treat, he requests them for every occasion he can think of! They are a great way to use up excess chocolate after Christmas and Easter (not generally a problem at Dandelion HQ mind you...).

 • 75g plain chocolate, broken into pieces
• 100g butter
• 3 eggs
• 350g caster sugar
• 2 tsp orange essence (or vanilla if you want plain brownies)
• 100g plain flour
• 20g cocoa powder
• 1 tsp baking powder
• 200g orange flavour chocolate, chopped into chunks (or milk chocolate if you prefer)


  1. Melt the chocolate and butter slowly in a bowl over a pan of hot water, leave to cool a few minutes.

  2. Meanwhile, beat the eggs with the sugar and orange essence until light and fluffy. 

  3. Stir melted chocolate and butter into the egg mixture.

  4. Fold in the flour, cocoa and baking powder.

  5. Finally, fold in the chocolate chunks.

  6. Bake in a lined 12” x 9” tin at 160c for 35-40 mins. They should be still a little gooey in the centre, with a dull crust on top. After a few mins cooling, lift onto a wire rack to finish cooling.

  7. Serve with a cuppa or warmed with a scoop of ice cream and chocolate sauce mmm....

Download Mel’s Chocolate Orange Brownie recipe here