Mel's Overnight Tea Loaf
mandy shaw
There is nothing quite like a cup of tea and a slice of cake. This recipe is great for when you are busy - a few minutes prep and a little bit of stirring and you're done - a piece of cake really!
175g raisins
175g sultanas
zest of an orange
350ml freshly brewed tea
1 tsp mixed spice
270g self-raising flour
100g caster sugar
100g dark brown sugar
2 eggs
Before bed, pop the fruit and grated zest into a large bowl. Pour over the freshly brewed tea; cover and leave to soak overnight.
In the morning, stir in remaining ingredients.
Bake in a lined 2lb loaf tin at 150c. After one hour, check the loaf and pop a piece of baking paper across the top if it is getting too brown. Continue baking for about 20 minutes until a skewer inserted comes out clean.
Turn out onto a cooling rack and brush top with apricot jam.
Serve sliced and buttered with a lovely cuppa!
Download Mel’s Overnight Tea Loaf recipe here