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The Great 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway

 The Great Dandelion Designs
12 Days of Christmas Giveaway has now ended

12 Days General.jpg

Get 12 Free Christmas Designs, FREE Decoration instructions plus be in with a chance of winning a £25.00 Dandelion Designs Gift Voucher!

12 Days of Christmas Decorations KitUse your 12 designs make up unique and timeless Christmas Decorations. Everything you need to make the decorations are available in this kit. Available now at the discounted price of £32.99 (reduced from £36.99). …

12 Days of Christmas Decorations Kit

Use your 12 designs make up unique and timeless Christmas Decorations. Everything you need to make the decorations are available in this kit. Available now at the discounted price of £32.99 (reduced from £36.99). Click here for more information

12 Free Patterns!

Brand New for Christmas 2018 Mandy has designed 12 fabulous new designs each representing one of the 12 days of Christmas. It’s always exciting when Mandy has something new for us but what makes this extra special is you can get your hands on all 12 designs, worth £2.99 each, absolutely FREE! Read on to find out more.

Every week for the next six weeks every single customer who makes a purchase on the website will get not one but TWO FREE digital patterns delivered directly to your inbox so you can start stitching instantly!

Week One – Partridge in a Pear Tree & Turtle Doves
Week Two – French Hens & Calling Birds
Week Three – Gold Rings & Geese a Laying
Week Four – Swans a Swimming & Maids a Milking
Week Five – Ladies Dancing & Lords a Leaping
Week Six – Piper’s Piping & Drummer’s Drumming

To get your FREE patterns all you have to do is go to the website, shop for whatever you want then pop the FREE patterns into your shopping cart when you check out and the discount will be automatically applied during the checkout process. Plus, there is no minimum spend to get your FREE digital patterns!

Don’t worry if you missed out on a week, all the 12 designs will be available for you to buy on our website for £2.99 each or £4.99 for the iron-on-transfer just click here to browse and buy.

Win a £25.00 Gift Voucher

And if the chance to get 12 FREE patterns were not enough every week we will be giving away a £25.00 Dandelion Designs gift voucher to one lucky customer! At the end of each of the six weeks every person who made a purchase from Dandelion Designs in the previous week will entered into a prize draw to win a £25.00 Dandelion Designs Gift Voucher.

Download your FREE 12 Days of Christmas Decorations Instructions by clicking on the image or clicking right here

Download your FREE 12 Days of Christmas Decorations Instructions by clicking on the image or clicking right here

12 Days of Christmas Decorations

Mandy has used her new designs to create these wonderful Christmas decorations. You can of course use your designs for anything you like but if you want to make these beautiful decorations then you can download the instructions ABSOLUTELY FREE by clicking right here.

So now you have your FREE patterns and you have downloaded your FREE instructions you will want to make up your decorations. Everything you need to make the decorations is, of course, available on our site but to make it easy for you we have put together the 12 Days of Christmas Decorations Kit. This includes everything you need to make 12 stylish decorations:

12x64 ins 100% wool felt
18x22 ins white linen
6 x red Coton a Broder
5 x white Coton a Broder
10 mts bakers twine
1/2 metre Freezer paper
1/2 metre fusible webbing

As with all Mandy’s products everything in the kit is of the very best quality and will last you for years. The kit is available right now at the discounted price of £32.99 (reduced from £36.99) just click here to buy. What’s more, if you buy the kit you get two of your twelve designs instantly and for free and you will be entered into this week’s prize draw!