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37 Summerheath Rd
Hailsham, BN27 3DS

Autumn Pumpkin Lampshade Kit

Main Shop

Autumn Pumpkin Lampshade Kit


Autumn Pumpkin Lampshade Kit


I love Autumn – we can light the fires, snuggle under cuddly quilts and celebrate this beautiful season. Nothing says Autumn like a pumpkin and this lampshade is perfect to cheer up a gloomy afternoon and bring you some cheer.

The kit includes everything you need to make this lampshade.

The size of the lampshade 6in diameter at the base, 3in diameter at the apex and are 5in tall. You can wrap your lampshade around a standard lampshade of the same size.

We also have a small amount of hand made antique spool lamps, a perfect partner for your lampshades. Click here to view

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