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Mary Poppins Iron on Pattern

Pattern Shop

Mary Poppins Iron on Pattern


Mary Poppins Iron on Pattern


Captivating both children’s and adults hearts since 1964 Mary Poppins is the quintessential British Nanny, strictly insisting on good manners and impeccable behavior and but unlike most nannies, rewarding it with a touch of magic! The film was a huge influence on me as a child,  I made sure my kids grew up with it too and now, with the sequel about to come out, it seems like their kids will also have Mary Poppins in their lives. But whatever your age, I am sure you will agree, you are never too old to have a nanny like Mary Poppins in your life, in fact I could do with her waving her magic wand over me right now!

This lovely redwork motif comes as an iron on pattern and will make a 10" block that will work perfectly as part of your Redwork Club Quilt or any other stitching you have planned (the iron on work for 3-5 applications).

The price includes P&P.

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