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British Isles Digital Motif

Pattern Shop

British Isles Digital Motif


British Isles Digital Motif


The June 2017 block for the Redwork Club quilt, this fabulous British Isles Map is available here as a digital download.

Note this motif prints out onto four separate sheets which will need to be pieced together to make the whole design before you transfer it on to your fabric

When you print out your motifs make sure your printer is set to print same size and not ‘fit to media’ as this will distort the final size of the blocks. The finished size will fit a 18 x 18 inch piece of fabric.Sharpen your iron-on transfer pencil and draw over the design, place it design side down to the calico and iron. Iron some interfacing to the back and stitch away. Alternatively use a light box or tape your design to a window and trace with a fine pencil onto the fabric, if you use this technique use the non reversed version of the pattern.  

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