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Redwork Club Second Edition

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Redwork Club Second Edition

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Redwork Club Second Edition


The Dandelion Designs Redwork Club – now in it's second year – is bigger and better than ever! The Redwork Club Second Edition has even more to offer than last year. 

·      An exclusive members Redwork Hanging Heart Kit worth £16.99. This Hanging Heart is EXCLUSIVE to the Redwork Club Second Edition, it will not be available for sale anywhere else. The kit will be posted directly to you for FREE when you subscribe.

·      20  (yes, 20 that’s 8 more than last year!) digital 10” block patterns worth £2.99 each emailed direct to your inbox on a monthly basis. This will form the second row on your Redwork Quilt which celebrates the British Isles in all it's glory.

·      10% off everything in the Dandelion Designs Redwork Shop for a whole year

All this is worth over £80.00 but it’s all yours for only £34.99 which is less than half price PLUS you can make as many savings in our Redwork shop as you like throughout the whole year of your membership 

* Please note: For those of you already on the Redwork Club, this is a rolling programme. You will be invited to join the Redwork Club Second edition when your membership expires. 


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