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Surprise Christmas Box

Out of Stock Products

Surprise Christmas Box


Surprise Christmas Box


We have Five (yes, just five) totally unique boxes containing 24 fabulous goodies – perfect for a daily treat over Advent or just a one-off present fest on Christmas Day! Packed by hand in one of our stunning new large Vintage Santa boxes the gifts include all sorts of goodies including kits, patterns, lots of bits, beautiful bobs and much, much more. The whole package is worth well over £200.00 but is yours for only £150.00 with FREE P&P! 

Before you buy, just a quick note to say the boxes contain kits and other goodies you might have already received if you have had our Advent Box this year or have been a member of Secret Society in the last couple of years.

But for everyone else, this is a chance to get your hands on a selection of amazing things, many of which have never been for sale on our site. And yes, there really are only five boxes – once they are gone they are gone!

So, don’t delay, buy now!

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