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37 Summerheath Rd
Hailsham, BN27 3DS

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Harriet Tubman Doll Pattern

Harriet Tubman Doll Pattern


Harriet Tubman was a young slave girl who escaped from slavery using the Underground Railroad to aid her. She returned nineteen times to help free her family and friends. She became a nurse, a spy and a scout for the Union Army and campaigned for the rights of black people. She was a true hero. This lovely doll stands 15in tall and goes with a sampler quilt named 'Harriet Tubman and her Underground Railroad', the pattern for which is also available from this shop.

  • Size: 15in
  • Contents: Step-by-step written instructions, complete list of fabrics and haberdashery required, photograph of finished item, templates and diagrams of stitches
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