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37 Summerheath Rd
Hailsham, BN27 3DS

Join Mandy for a Spanish Sewing Holiday


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Join Mandy for a Spanish Sewing Holiday

Sitges Patchwork Festival and Barcelona Sewing Holiday

Join Mandy Shaw on this Catalonian crafting holiday centred around the Sitges Patchwork Festival. Enjoy two days at the festival and then experience the history and architectural highlights of Girona and Barcelona. We stay for two nights in Barcelona and a guided tour of the magnificent Sagrada Familia, perhaps Gaudi’s most famous architectural creation, will be a highlight of this crafting holiday. We have also arranged two included workshops with Mandy during our stay in Girona making this the perfect combination of sewing and sightseeing in the sun.

9 Mar 2018 - 16 Mar 2018
Duration: 7 nights
Arena Holiday Ref: 18010
Prices from £1,429

Click here for more information and booking



Earlier Event: November 5
Button Garland Christmas Full Day Workshop
Later Event: April 28
Japanese Boro Workshop