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37 Summerheath Rd
Hailsham, BN27 3DS

Christmas Angel Workshop


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Christmas Angel Workshop

No Christmas in complete without an angel and Angel Joy, like her name suggests, will bring smiles, happiness and, of course, joy to your home, your families home or a friends home.

Whether you are making her as a gift or just for yourself you will love a day out with Mandy and the team at the Angel Joy workshop held in the beautiful surroundings of Featherbed Barn, Cowbeech, East Sussex on 4th December 2016 10.00am to 4.00pm.

Everything you need to make Angel Joy will be included as well as our infamous Christmas lunch and refreshments, hands on instruction from Mandy herself and maybe a few little extras too. What's not to love? 

We only teach small classes so numbers are strictly limited. Book right now to avoid disappointment by booking online or by calling us on 01323 845297.

We look forward to seeing you in December!

Mandy and the Team x

Earlier Event: December 3
Christmas Decorations Workshop
Later Event: March 4
Easter Workshop SOLD OUT