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See Mandy at Festival of Quilts


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See Mandy at Festival of Quilts

Mandy Shaw Live! At Festival of Quilts Sunday 13th August, 1.45pm.

Mandy Shaw joins John Scott, presenter at everyone’s new favourite quilting TV channel Sewing Quarter, she will be showing you how to make a red work hoopie, a project from her brand new book, Mandy Shaw's Red and White Christmas.  She’ll also be giving away a FREE iron-on pattern transfer for the red-work project to all attendees.

Tickets are £6.50 and can be bought by clicking this link

We also have a discount code for ticket SEWQ17 which will allow customers to get entry tickets to FoQ for £12.50 (£2.50 off adult tickets and £1 off concession tickets). 



Earlier Event: August 10
Festival of Quilts
Later Event: September 27
New England Quilting Holiday