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Stitching Holiday

Sitges Patchwork Festival & Barcelona Sewing Holiday
Fri 11 - Thu 17 Mar 2016 with Mandy Shaw

Why not join Mandy Shaw herself on an inspiring trip centred around the Sitges Patchwork Festival, Spain. The holiday includes workshops with Mandy, two full days at the festival and sightseeing tours in Girona and Barcelona. For more information including prices visit the Arena Travel Website.

Mandy says 'I am so excited about working with Arena travel and have started planning the sewing itinerary already. I have designed a bag and a sewing roll for you to make before we depart so we have all the essentials. While we are there we will be making a travel/sewing journal with fabric, trims and buttons that we have bought from the Quilt festival and the Spanish Patchwork shop. I will design and provide iron on transfers and appliques to decorate your travel journal with memories from our holiday together in Spain. This is the first of many more trips, how very exciting.'

Earlier Event: February 6
Create and Craft TV Show
Later Event: April 3
Create and Craft TV Show