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Mandy's Christmas Ideas

Read Mandy’s Top Ten Things to Stitch for Christmas

Alison Owens

I love sewing for Christmas, here is my list of my top ten ideas of things to stitch for Christmas

  1. Firstly, has to be an advent calendar as time is running out to get one of these finished before the first of December. We have a wonderful selection and they really do make family heirlooms, my personal favourites are The Advent Christmas tree and Twas the Night Before Christmas.

  2. Why not make a quick crazy quilt made from your stash?. It’s a weekend make and a great gift. Put fleece on the back to make it extra snuggly. Or you can buy a kit here.

  3. For a little girl in your life, Polly the Traditional Rag Doll. No plastics involved here and another great stash buster, especially if you stitch up her extensive wardrobe!

  4. Redwork Bunting always cheer up a room at Christmas.  We have Twelve Days of Christmas, Reindeer and our FREE stocking bunting. These are just lovely, and look great across a mantle piece on a Welsh dresser or even on a wall, you  need to start soon though!

  5. A Wine glass Lampshade are easy and quick to make. They are great for gifts or for decorating your Christmas table. They sit on a large white wine glass,  pop in a battery tea light, and they create a lovely ambience.

  6. Candles Mats, perfect to go with the wineglass lampshades, I put my St eval candles,Bay and Rosemary, on them. Top Tip don’t sew the binding on too tightly you may just create a bowl by mistake!

  7. Hanging Hearts . Always a great winner for a gift, we have tons to choose from, they are easy to make and can never have too many!

  8. Mini Hanging Hearts, again another winner, these are smaller and two or three in a  tissue filled box is a great idea. Perfect for hanging on the tree.

  9. Not enough time to make for someone else? Try one of our custom Redwork boxes either filled by us or custom filled by you, just phone. Introduce someone else to the lovely craft of Redwork

  10. Domes Decorations. Buy as a kit or just the domes and make your own. They are so easy and fun to make, are ideal for the Christmas tree and to use as a label on the presents.