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Santa Stop Here Redwork Hanging Heart Kit

Christmas 2021

Santa Stop Here Redwork Hanging Heart Kit


Santa Stop Here Redwork Hanging Heart Kit


This is probably the most important Redwork Hanging Heart I have ever designed. I mean who would want to risk Santa flying on by and missing your home out! Make sure this doesn’t happen and get a stitching fix at the same time!

Iron-on transfer included, which can be used up to six times depending on the fabric used. Great for use as a Christmas decoration hung from a door or shelf or even the Christmas tree.

  • Size: approx 6 x 7 inches

  • Includes iron-on transfer

  • Contents: Step-by-step written instructions, complete list of fabrics and haberdashery required, photograph of finished item, templates, iron-on transfer and diagrams of stitches

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