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37 Summerheath Rd
Hailsham, BN27 3DS

Book Bonanza Extended!

Book Bonanza Extended!

We gone book bonkers with two very special offers!

 Offer One
10% off selected books and pattern packs.

Red & White Christmas
• Redwork Work Chirstmas
• Say it with a Stitch

And the brand new
The Little Things…

Offer Two
Save over 30% on two unique book bundles

 Christmas Book Bundle only £35.00!

Worth over £50.00 this bundle includes Red & White Christmas and Redwork Christmas books and pattern packs. 

Stitching Book Bundle
only £40.00!

Worth over £60 this bundle includes Say it with a Stitch and new The Little Things… books and pattern packs!

Hurry! these offers are for a
limited time only.