Day 5 – Bells
mandy shaw
I Just love the sound of bells !!! Make sure you condition your thread with your beeswax before you sew them on anything, or just tie them in a bunch and hang on a door or tree.
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37 Summerheath Rd
Hailsham, BN27 3DS
I Just love the sound of bells !!! Make sure you condition your thread with your beeswax before you sew them on anything, or just tie them in a bunch and hang on a door or tree.
Read MoreMade especially for us by artist Deborah Darling in Wales. Perfect for conditioning your thread and making it stronger. Have a nose at her Instagram account @darling.deborah.
Read MoreWe are in love with these three ribbon holders, designed by Mandy and made especially for us. Wrap your white thread around the mouse and your ribbons around the Nutcrackers and Fairy.
Read MoreYou should have started your Christmas crafting by now and sewing will be in full swing so a little more haberdashery is always useful.
Read MoreWe hope this might be your first mince pie of the season! They taste as good as the packaging!
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